A Few Words on Kufr (Disbelief) bit-Tãghūt


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام علي المرسلين
In the Name of Allãh, the Beneficent, the Merciful
All praise belongs to Allãh, the Lord of all that exists. And peace and blessings upon the Messengers

O Muslim! Know that belief in Allãh (تعالي) and His Messenger (ﷺ) is neither complete nor accepted by Allãh (تعالي) until you first disbelieve in, and reject, at-Tãghūt. Allãh (تعالي) says:

ومن يكفر بالطاغوت ويؤمن بالله فقد استمسك بالعروة الوثقى لا انفصام لها
“Whoever disbelieves in at-Tãghūt and believes in Allãh, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break.”
(Al-Baqarah: 256)

He (تعالي) also said:

ولقد بعثنا في كل أمة رسولًا أن اعبدوا الله واجتبوا الطاغوت
“And verily, we have sent among every nation a Messenger (proclaiming): ‘Worship Allãh (Alone), and avoid at-Tãghūt’.”
(An-Nahl: 36)

It is therefore imperative for the Muslim, in order to safeguard his īmãn, to know what at-Tãghūt is and to be able to recognise its various forms.

The Arabic term Tãghūt is derived from Tughyãn, which means to exceed the bounds. For example, Allãh (تعالي) says:

إنا لما طغا الماء حملناكم في الجارية
“Verily, when the water Taghã (i.e. rose beyond its limits), We carried you in the ship.”
(Al-Hãqqah: 11)

Thus, according to the language, when something exceeds its bounds it is referred to as a Tãghūt.

In relation to the intended meaning of this term, as it appears in the Divine texts, the Salaf have given various definitions. For instance, ‘Umar bn Al-Khattãb (رضي الله عنه) said that at-Tãghūt is Shaytãn, while Mujãhid (رمحه الله) said it is Shaytãn in the image of a human being whom they refer to for judgement, and who is in charge of their affairs. Others, however, say that at-Tãghūt refers to anything that is worshiped besides Allãh (تعالي). A comprehensive definition of this term was provided by Imãm ibn al-Qayyim (رحمه الله) who said:

الطاغوت كل ما تجاوز به العبد حده من معبود أو متبوع أو مطاع، فطاغوت كل قوم من يتحاكمون إليه غير الله ورسوله، أو يعبدونه من دون الله، أو يتبعونه على غير بصيرة من الله، أو يطيعونه فيما لا يعلمون أنه طاعة لله ، فهذه طواغيت العالم إذا تأملتها وتأملت أحوال الناس معها رأيت أكثرهم عدلوا من عبادة الله إلى عبادة الطاغوت، وعن التحاكم إلى الله وإلى الرسول إلى التحاكم إلى طاغوت، وعن طاعته ومتابعة رسوله إلى طاعة الطاغوت ومتابعته .
“The Tãghūt is anyone, regarding whom the servant goes beyond the due bounds, whether it is someone worshipped, obeyed or followed. Therefore, the (word) Tãghūt includes all those to whom the people refer for arbitration instead of Allãh or His Prophet, or whom they worship besides Allãh, or whom they blindly follow without any guidance from Allãh, or whom they obey in matters of which they have no knowledge of it being obedience to Allãh. These are (examples of) the Tawãghīt (plural of Tãghūt) of the world. If you ponder upon the affairs of the people (of this time), you would find that most of them have deserted the worship of Allãh to worship the Tãghūt; and have left the arbitration of Allãh and His Messenger to arbitrate to the Tãghūt; as well as abandoning obedience to Him and following His Messenger to obey the Tãghūt and their followers.”

From this definition it can be understood that there are various forms of Tawãghīt, as was expressed by Shaykh Muhammad bn Abdul-Wahhãb (رضي الله عنه), who said:

والطواغيت كثير ورؤوسهم خمسة: إبليس لعنه الله، ومن عبد وهو راض، ومن دعا الناس إلي عبادة نفسه، ومن ادعى شيئاً من علم الغيب ومن حكم بغير ما أنزل الله
“And the Tawãghīt are many, but their leaders are five: Iblīs (may Allãh curse him), whoever is worshipped and is pleased with that, whoever calls people to the worship of himself, whoever claims to possess anything of the knowledge of the unseen, and whoever judges by other than what Allãh has sent down.”
(Ath-Thalãthatul-Usūl) [1]

Thus, anyone who is worshiped besides Allãh (تعالي), and pleased with that, is a Tãghūt. Likewise, the person who claims to possess knowledge of the unseen, as well as the scholar who is (pleased to be) blindly followed in other than that which is the guidance of the Messenger (ﷺ), and the rulers who govern and judge with other than that which Allãh (تعالي) has revealed are all Tawãghīt, according to the Divine Sharī’ah. Therefore, in order to be considered a true believer in Allãh (تعالي) and the Last Day the Muslim must disbelieve in and reject at-Tãghūt, irrespective of the form it assumes. And this act must precede his declaration of faith, for indeed the first pillar of Tawhīd is an-Nafy (i.e. negation). For instance, the statement (لا إله إلا الله), which represents Tawhīdul-Ulūhiyyah, consists of two parts:

1. “لا إله” (There is none worthy of worship), which is an-Nafy, negates the existence of anything worthy of worship.

2. “إلا الله” (Except Allãh), which is al-Ithbãt (affirmation), affirms that all worship is due to Allãh (تعالي) Alone.

Hence, the first obligation binding upon the slaves is disbelief in all that is worshiped besides the Most High.

Consider Allaah’s Statement “Whoever disbelieves in at-Tãghūt”. This statement negates belief in the worship of at-Tãghūt and is thus an example of an-Nafy. As for His saying “and believes in Allãh”, it is al-Ithbãt and therefore affirms belief in the worship of none other than Ar-Rahmãn – which is the second pillar of Tawhīd. The meaning of “Whoever disbelieves in at-Tãghūt and believes in Allãh” is therefore synonymous with the declaration of faith, i.e. “Lã ilãha illãh” (there is none worthy of worship except Allãh). Indeed, Tawhīd is incomplete without the establishment of these two pillars. [2]

O Muslim! Know that one of the greatest forms of at-Tãghūt is the government that abandons the Divine Shari’ah and imposes manmade laws upon the slaves of Allãh (تعالي), thereby establishing a system of servitude of men to men and consequently preventing the people from worshiping and serving their Lord without partners. Such systems of governance bring the slaves out of the guidance of Ar-Rahmãn and into the darkness of Kufr, Shirk, and injustice. Allãh (تعالي) says:

الله ولي الذين آمنوا يخرجهم من الظلمات إلى النور، والذين كفروا أولياؤهم الطاغوت يخرجهم من النور إلى الظلمات أولئك أصحاب النار، هم فيها خالدون
“Allãh is the Walī (Protector/Guardian) of those who believe. He brings them out from darkness into light. But as for those who disbelieve, their Awliyã’ (supporters and helpers) are at-Tãghūt, they bring them out from light into darkness. Those are the companions of the Fire, and they will abide therein forever.”
(Al-Baqarah: 257)

Democracy is a prime example of a governmental system of Tughyãn, under which the slaves are constitutionally bound to submit to others besides Allãh (تعالي). The fundamental principle of this system of governance is that the supreme power of legislation belongs to the people who exercise this “right” through a system of representation, i.e. the electoral process. Indeed, this is a great act of transgression and a violation of Allãh’s Right to rule and govern His creation without partners. The Most High says:

ولا يشرك في حكمه أحدا
“And He makes none to share in His Hukm (Rule, Governance, Judgement, etc).”
(Al-Kahf: 26)

Additionally, the Prophet (ﷺ) said:

إن الله هو الحكم وإليه الحكم
“Verily, Allãh is Al-Hakam, and unto Him belongs the Hukm.”
(Abū Dawūd: 4955, An-Nasã’i: 8/226, authenticated by al-Albãni)

It is therefore impermissible for the Muslim to adopt democracy as a system of governance, thus associating partners with Ar-Rahmãn in His Hukm. Likewise, it is not permissible for him/her to participate in the electoral process, as such an act is tantamount to electing lords and gods besides the Most High – who, through legislation that opposes the Divine Sharī’ah, dictate how they are to be worshiped. Indeed, this is an act of Kufr and Shirk that nullifies īmãn and Tawhīd. Allãh (تعالي) says:

ألم تر إلى الذين يزعمون أنهم ءامنوا بما أنزل إليك وما أنزل من قبلك يريدون أن يتحاكوا إلى الطاغوت وقد أمروا ان يكفروا به ويريد الشيطان أن يضلهم ضلالًا بعيداً
“Have you not seen those who claim that they believe in that which was revealed to you, and that which was sent down before you? They wish to refer to at-Tãghūt for judgment while they have been ordered to disbelieve in it. But Shaytãn wishes to lead them far astray.”
(An-Nisã’: 60)

Democracy, as well as every other system of governance other than the Islamic system of justice, is thus nothing but a system of Tughyãn, the leaders of which are Tawãghīt. Therefore, whoever is content with submitting to such systems of governance, and thus turn away from the Divine Laws revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), have not disbelieved in and rejected at-Tãghūt and have thereby nullified their covenant of Tawhīd. This is irrespective of the slaves claim to believe in that which was revealed to the Messenger (ﷺ), as can be understood from the above quoted Ãyah. Shaykh Sulaymãn bn Abdillãh bn Muhammad bn Abdil-Wahhãb (رحمه الله) said:

وقوله تعالي: (وقد أمروا أن يكفروا به) – النساء: 60 – أي: بالطاغوت، وهو دليل علي أن التحاكم إلى الطاغوت مناف للإيمان مضاد له فلا يصح الإيمان إلا بالكفر به وترك التحاكم إليه فمن لم يكفر بالطاغوت لم يؤمن بالله
“And His Statement: (while they have been ordered to disbelieve in it) meaning at-Tãghūt. And it indicates that referring to at-Tãghūt for judgement nullifies faith and contradicts it, hence faith is not sound except by disbelieving in at-Tãghūt and abandoning referring to it for judgment. So, whoever does not disbelieve in at-Tãghūt he has not believed in Allãh.”
(Taysīrul-Azīzil-Hamid fī Sharhi Kitãbit-Tawhīd)

Hence, a mere verbal expression of one’s disbelief in at-Tãghūt, without practically rejecting such false deities, will not suffice to make one’s faith sound and acceptable to Allãh (تعالي). The Muslim, in addition to his declaration of faith, must practically shun all that is worshiped besides Allãh (تعالي) and disassociate himself from those who indulge in such acts of Shirk. He must announce his contempt and hatred for them, their false deities, and their systems of Tughyãn. Such was the practice of the Prophets, and such is the religion of Ibrahīm (عليه السلام) about whom Allãh (تعالي) says:

قد كانت لكم أسوة حسنة في إبراهيم والذين معه إذ قالوا لقومهم إنا برءاؤا منكم ومما تعبدون من دون الله، كفرنا بكم وبدا بيننا وبينكم العداوة والبغضاء أبداً حتى تؤمنوا بالله وحده
“Indeed, there has been an excellent example for you in Ibrahīm and those with him, when they said to their people: ‘verily, we are free from you and whatever you worship besides Allãh: we have rejected you, and there has appeared between us and you hostility and hatred forever until you believe in Allãh Alone.”
(Al-Mumtahinah: 4)

Disbelief in at-Tãghūt is therefore not a matter of merely expressing a few words. On the contrary, it is a practical way of life that the Muslim must embrace whole heartedly. He must sever all ties with the Tãghūt, its system of governance, and its armies and security forces and declare his allegiance to Allaah (تعالي), His Messenger (ﷺ), and the believers. Failure in this regard nullifies Tawhīd and the slave’s claim to believe in Allãh (تعالي) and that which He has revealed to his Messenger (ﷺ) remains just that, i.e. nothing but words that bear no meaning.

Additionally, it is impermissible to join the ranks of the Tãghūt and use its system of Tughyãn (whether it be democracy or any other polytheistic system of governance) to establish Allãh’s Law on earth. This is irrespective of the slave’s claim to disbelieve in at-Tãghūt and to have believed in Allãh (تعالي) Alone. For verily, such an assertion is false as it is impossible to establish Tawhīd while indulging in that which nullifies it, i.e. Shirk. Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibrahīm (رحمه الله) says:

لو قال من حكّم القانون أنا أعتقد أنه باطل فهذا باطل لا أثر له ، بل هو عزل للشرع ، كما لو قال أحد أنا أبعد الأوثان، واعتقد أنها باطل
“If the one who rules by the (man-made) legislations says I believe that they (the legislations) are Bãtil (i.e. falsehood), then this has no effect (in the ruling) rather this (statement) is in opposition to the Sharī’ah, it is as if someone says I worship idols but I believe they (idols) are Bãtil.”
[Majmū’ al-Fatãwã of Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Ibrahīm 6/189]

Likewise, that one testifies to the truth of that which Allãh (تعالي) has revealed, and bears a Muslim name, is insufficient alone to include one inside the fold of Islãm if he or she joins the police/security forces and armies of the Tawãghīt. Indeed, this is an act of Kufr and a declaration of war against Ar-Rahmãn Who says:

الذين ءامنوا يقاتلون في سبيل الله، والذين كفروا يقاتلون في سبيل الطاغوت، فقاتلوا أولياء الشيطان إن كيد الشيطان كان ضعيفاً
“Those who believe, fight in the Cause of Allãh, and those who disbelieve fight in the cause of at-Taghūt. So fight you against the friends of Shaytãn. Ever feeble indeed is the plot of Shaytãn.”
(An-Nisã’: 76)

So, take heed, O Muslim! And know that disbelief in at-Taghūt must precede belief in Allãh (تعالي) and that you are obliged to disassociate yourself from the Tawagheet, their systems of Tughyaan, and those who worship and defend them. This is the only way the slave can be counted among those about whom Allãh (تعالي) says:

والذين اجتنبوا الطاغوت أن يعبدوها وأنابوا إلى الله لهم البشرى، فبشر عباد
“Those who avoid at-Tãghūt, by not worshipping them and turn to Allãh (in repentance), for them are glad tidings; so announce the good news to my slaves.”
(Az-Zumar: 17)

All praise belongs to Allãh, the Lord of all that exists, and may peace and blessings be upon the Messengers.

Sa’īd ibn Talhah
8 Rabi’ Ath-Thãni, 1436
(29 January, 2015)

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[1]: Definition of Tãghūt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oOqP8c1RNA

[2]: Tawhīd Al-Ulūhiyyah and Disbelieving of Tãghūt | Shaykh Sulaymãn bn Nãsir Al-Alwãn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3D1KdWP1Ag

About A Soldier of At-Tawhīd

To live and die upon the truth, to strive in its defence, to convey it to others, and to endure the hardships that befall one as a result thereof is our mission. O Allãh, make firm our feet on Your Path, ãmīn
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